What do Anna, Sabrina, and Michael, All Have in Common?

It’s about to get quite interesting in Port Charles as secrets rise to the surface for one Hell of a Halloween week.

Almost everyone in Port Charles is hiding something, or someone they care about is trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Some have deep dark secrets that could break their image as upstanding parents/grandparents, and some may lose it all if the truth comes out.

Anna (Finola Hughes) is hiding something from the rest of the town, and from what it looks like, Sabrina (Teresa Castillo) is also… and what they both are hiding has to do with the same man- Carlos Rivera (Jeffrey Vincent Parise). So fans, would you like to know what Anna, Sabrina, and Michael all have in common? Carlos.

Sabrina is pregnant and Michael has no reason to believe that her baby isn’t his. Anna (as far as she knows) shot and killed who may actually be the Father of Sabrina’s baby. This trio is complete with Anna connected to Carlos, Carlos connected to Sabrina and her baby, and Michael connected to Sabrina.

Anna is so consumed with guilt for killing Carlos when she was out to get revenge for Duke, but it isn’t clouding her intelligence one bit. Anna knows that something isn’t write with Carlos’ autopsy report, and has a gut feeling that the body found isn’t even that of the man she thinks she killed.

Although we never saw Sabrina and Carlos sleep together on-screen, it’s highly likely that this story will be written that Sabrina and Carlos had a one night stand just before he died. This would explain Sabrina’s hesitation when talking about the pregnancy, and her reluctant behavior when asked to marry Michael (Chad Duell).

Two General Hospital rumors could very well be true; 1) Carlos could actually be alive, and 2) Carlos could be the Father of Sabrina’s baby, not Michael.

General Hospital spoilers tease that this Halloween with leave fans at the edge of their seats, with intense drama as the secrets we all have known about will blow apart the lives of those involved by them.

We want to know what you think! Is Carlos Rivera actually alive? Will Anna be able to sleep at night once she knows that she didn’t end up killing him? Could Carlos be the Father of Sabrina’s baby, and will Sabrina and Michael be able to weather that storm? Perhaps Carly is right… Sabrina and Michael have to prove to one another that they can be there for each other through it all- even if it turns out Michael isn’t the Father.

Micki Swift: Micki is an avid fan or music, especially the lyrics, and storytelling. Additionally, she’s a dedicated General Hospital fan. Her passion for writing, intellectually emotional expression, and the compelling nature of the storylines is a perfect equation for writing a blog. Micki has a Bachelor of Science degree from Oakland University and spends her free time writing poetry and song lyrics, while inspired by her passions and interests. Thank you all for taking the time to read and support General Hospital Blog. It truly means more than you know. Corinthians 13:13So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
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