After an incredibly dramatic scene, General Hospital fans want to know… Is Nelle really dead on General Hospital? Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) took matters into his own hands and went after the mother of his child. When he found Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) in the cabin, she was combative as expected. He tricked her into fleeing but that’s now where it ends.
Mama Bear Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) wasn’t going to let Nelle getaway. Carly wants Nelle to be punished for her heinous crimes. One thing led to another and suddenly Carly found herself trying to hold on to Nelle as she dangled from a cliff. Their hands slipped and down Nelle went.
Nelle Really Dead On General Hospital?
According to General Hospital rumors, many will blame Carly for Nelle’s decent from the precipice. When in reality, Carly tried everything she could to save her but Nelle slipped anyway. Besides, Nelle brought it on herself. She’s a menace and a murderer. I know one person who needs someone to blame. Of course, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) blames Carly for everything. So it’s a given that if Nelle dies, Carly will be raked over the coals.
Is Chloe Lanier Leaving General Hospital?
General Hospital news and GH comings and goings have not yet confirmed an exit for actress, Chloe Lanier. So the question hangs in the balance…