GH Summer Stunner: Could Little Jake Webber Be Alive? Check Out Why We Think So!

The death of Elizabeth Webber and Jason Morgan’s son Jake was one that rocked every single resident in Port Charles, let alone all the fans. There was extreme outrage for brutally killing off a 4 year old little boy. Not only was the death of a child a huge turn of for most fans, it’s who killed him that turned the audience upside down. Luke Spencer was responsible for the hit and run accident that killed little Jake Webber.
Life hasn’t quite been the same for Liz, Lucky, Jason, or Luke since this tragic event. Since learning that Luke was going through mental trauma due to his abusive childhood, it was semi-explained that Luke killed Jake when he wasn’t in a normal state of mind.
However, there is a new General Hospital Summer Promo floating around and there are some extremely interesting hints that are dropped in a discussion between Luke and Lucky. Although subtle and obscure, there is a portion of this promo that has had fans up in arms over the possibility of Jake being alive.

In the video below, Luke says to Luke, “I know it.” With an absolute certainty to his voice, while Luke replies, “It’s impossible,” in disbelief.

Do you want to know if Jake Webber will end up being alive and possible have been another one of Helena’s evil plots this entire time? Take a look at the video and decide for yourself! Let us know what you make of it all.

Micki Swift: Micki is an avid fan or music, especially the lyrics, and storytelling. Additionally, she’s a dedicated General Hospital fan. Her passion for writing, intellectually emotional expression, and the compelling nature of the storylines is a perfect equation for writing a blog. Micki has a Bachelor of Science degree from Oakland University and spends her free time writing poetry and song lyrics, while inspired by her passions and interests. Thank you all for taking the time to read and support General Hospital Blog. It truly means more than you know. Corinthians 13:13So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
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