Michael Easton (John McBain) Forced to Leave General Hospital

Rumors have been flying about the departure of three OLTL vets, Easton, Alderson, and Howarth. Today, Michael Easton who played the character of John McBain on OLTL and now GH has announced that he can no longer (as of February 8th) legally be part of General Hospital. The reason is because of the relaunch of OLTL. OLTL legally owns these characters. His announcement via Facebook was to inform fans not to send things to ABC’s General Hospital studio because he will not be there long enough to receive anything that was sent. Instead he asked them to make a donation to the American Cancer Society. News regarding Kristen Alderson (Starr Manning) and Roger Howarth (Todd Manning) has yet to be confirmed.

For his full announcement please CLICK HERE to go to his Facebook page.

Micki Swift: Micki is an avid fan or music, especially the lyrics, and storytelling. Additionally, she’s a dedicated General Hospital fan. Her passion for writing, intellectually emotional expression, and the compelling nature of the storylines is a perfect equation for writing a blog. Micki has a Bachelor of Science degree from Oakland University and spends her free time writing poetry and song lyrics, while inspired by her passions and interests. Thank you all for taking the time to read and support General Hospital Blog. It truly means more than you know. Corinthians 13:13So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
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