Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) lived for his family, but not in the noble family man type of way. Instead, it was more like he wanted to lead a powerful band of criminals.
Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) has been brainwashed! It seems like Uncle Vic wanted the last word because his terror through Port Charles lingers. General Hospital recaps highlight Victor’s influence over his granddaughter Charlotte. His evil ways live on through her as she makes Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) her first victim.
General Hospital spoilers indicate that Laura is stressing over what’s going on with Charlotte. As if she didn’t have enough trouble with her son Nikolas Cassadine, now she’s worried about her granddaughter. Victor’s influence in Charlotte’s life is evident, and Laura is afraid. She knows what they are up against because she’s had a lifetime of experience with the Cassadines. The last thing she wants is to see her granddaughter under their spell. Sadly, that’s exactly what’s happening and will worsen unless someone intervenes. But whom?

General Hospital rumors tease that Laura gets her Christmas wish! She and Charlotte want nothing more than for Lulu to wake up. Her lack of presence in Charlotte’s life is taking its toll and Laura knows that things would be better if Lulu were here. GH fans speculate that the time is finally here, and Lulu saves Charlotte just in time!
What could happen if no one stops Charlotte? Well, Anna wouldn’t be her only victim. Even worse, Charlotte is headed in Helena Cassadine’s (Constance Towers) direction. She’s a little dark Queen in the making. That is unless Lulu wakes in time to stop her!