The majority of General Hospital views were shocked and heartbroken at Franco Baldwin’s (Roger Howarth) unexpected and seemingly unnecessary death. Oddly enough, GH recaps recall that a tumor caused Franco to terrorize and commit other heinous crimes.
At first GH fans had a hard time grasping where the storyline was headed because Franco appeared unredeemable. In fact, many questioned the decision to cast Roger in James Franco’s role. Howarth joined GH as Todd Manning after the cancellation of ABC’s OLTL. According to soap opera history, Roger became widely known as OLTL’s Todd Manning, as the role’s popularity continually grew. However, legal reasons prohibited the use of the character’s name after OLTL’s cancellation. That’s when GH axed Todd Manning but then brought Howarth back as a Franco recast.
Rogers’s version of Franco made the role his own but a remorseless killer just wasn’t working for the actor or for the fans. So instead of giving Howarth the act again, Franco was diagnosed with the brain tumor that caused him to be a psychopath. He in underwent a risky surgery to remove the tumor, and that’s when Franco’s life turned around. Finally, he was able to welcome love into his life.
After Franco’s death, General Hospital news and spoilers report Roger returned to GH as Dr. Austin Gatlin Holt in what was his third role on General Hospital. At this point, fans missed Roger so much that they’d take him any way that they could get him. Sadly, after only two and a half years, GH news and spoilers confirm Austin’s death and Howarth’s throw GH exit.

Is It Possible That Roger Howarth Returns As Franco Baldwin?
Is Roger holding onto the hope that Franco is in fact alive? Back in 2022, General Hospital news and spoilers share Howarth’s statement regarding the role. According to Soap Hub, Howarth revealed his thoughts when a fan presented the hypothetical. Could Franco Baldwin be alive?! He replied, “That’d be great, [unlikely] I really, really enjoyed playing Franco. I was really, really lucky to be part of [that story].” When reflecting on his work as Franco with co-stars Rebecca Herbst (Liz Webber), Kin Shriner (Scotty Baldwin), and William Lipton (Cameron Webber), Howarth spoke highly of his fellow actors. “To move in circles with those actors… every minute was a pleasure.”
According to GH spoilers, Howarth doesn’t think that it’s probable that Franco is alive. But that hasn’t stopped fans from holding onto hope. We loved Roger as Franco but we will take him any way we can get him! We are happy to see Roger Howarth playing Dr. Austin Holt.