To whom does the earring in Rory’s pocket belong? Rory Cabrera (Michael Blake Kruse) arrived in Port Charles and made quite an impression. First with the PCPD and then with Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali).
At first, Rory made an impression on Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) and Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) at the PCPD. Then, as an officer at the PCPD Rory acquired the nickname ”Rookie Rory.” The new guy on the force was loved and welcome by all of his fellow officers and colleagues. Finally, Rory impressed Trina with his kindness, support, and generosity.
General Hospital recaps recall Rory and Trina hit it off right away. Trina was seemingly in awe of Rory’s physical appearance when they met for the first time. Rory was into Trina from the start, although, working for the PCPD while Trina was on trial caused hesitation. Trina had her ongoing debate about which suitor she should choose. Trina had the pick of two young men who both adored and supported her. One had a squeaky clean rep and the other had been making a reputation for himself with the authorities. Trina became closer to Rory as Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) dug himself into a deeper hole with Trina.
Rory is all too familiar with playing dress up! The earring in his pocket is his?!
Early on in their developing relationship, Rory let Trina in on a little tidbit about himself. Now, that piece of information could become an essential element to finding the hook killer, according to recent General Hospital spoilers. Rory was into cosplay, also known as, a form of dress up. He confessed his liking for cosplay to Trina, and usually attended Comi-Con in costume. General Hospital rumors speculate Rory is the hook killer, not as himself, but, as a woman. GH spoilers tease the earring in Rory’s pocket is his.
Not long ago, General Hospital comings and goings news was shared regarding Michael Blake Kruse’s status with GH. General Hospital news and spoilers confirmed Kruse landed a role on Chicago P.D., and would be dropping down to recurring status. Now, Kruse is OUT at GH, however, his storyline continues. Is Rory the hook killer disguised as a woman?!