The real Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) has surfaced after many months of uncertain identity. The young mother knows she loves her son Ace more than anything, which tells her that she’s not the cold monster people claim her to be. Instead, she saw herself as misunderstood and redeemable.
General Hospital recaps highlight Esme and Heather Webber’s connection. Much speculation has surrounded their relationship as some GH fans don’t believe that Esme is heather’s daughter. But after today it’s looking more like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Now that Esme has had a glimpse into her past she turned to the only logical person she could think of, her mother. According to General Hospital spoilers Esme and Heather’s mother-daughter chat paved the way for Esme to open up to her true self. Right now she’s conflicted, but Esme feels justified when remembering her past crimes.
GH spoilers and rumors tease that the real Esme’s back and targets Trina like never before. She’s fired up and Heather helps fuel flames. How long will Esme be able to keep up the charade? Before, she didn’t remember the anger that she felt toward Trina and Josslyn, and even Spencer. Now that the memories came flooded back, the emotions returned as well. Will Esme’s emotions be the driving force that guides her new path?