Devastation and loss seem to have come in surplus lately as the General Hospital community suffers great heartache. From Sonya Eddy to Jackie Zeman, Billy Miller to Tyler Christopher- and more in between, it’s undoubtedly been a hard year.
According to General Hospital news reports, sadness continues to loom over the GH community. Just 6 short days after Tyler Christopher’s death, another loss hits close to home. For General Hospital star Eden McCoy, everyone else’s “close to home,” is her actual home. Sadly, Eden McCoy mourns her mother’s death.
GH news and spoilers reveal that Eden became very vulnerable in her public, emotional message. The young star shared the news via Instagram, which she referred to as, “the most impersonal space.” Her post contains a picture of her mother, along with another picture consisting of Eden and her parents.
Eden’s touching message not only displays her pure love for her mom, but she also puts things into perspective. I can somewhat relate to Eden as she grieves for her mother. When I was pregnant with my first child, my mom passed away suddenly. As it turns it, she had Acute Myeloid Leukemia, and she died within two days of going to the ER. Although not all situations are the same, the pain of losing a mother is uniform. According to Eden’s post, her mom suffered a two and half year battle with cancer. No matter how you look at it, losing a mother hits different regardless of how it happened.
I recommend you you read Eden’s beautiful tribute to her mother. The images and words shared can be seen below. Please keep Eden and her family in your prayers.