Gladys begs Dr. Montague to stop! …You can’t get something for nothing in this life. Apparently, Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs) has to learn that the hard way because it seems she hasn’t gotten the memo. Additionally, she seems to think she can fall back on others to bail her out. This time, she’s in too deep!
General Hospital spoilers and previews reveal that Dr. Montague (Darin Toonder) wants payment! How else did Gladys think she could get a doctor to carry out her unscrupulous plan? Now that Gladys sees the utter torture she’s inflicted on her daughter in law, she finally wants it to end. I guess Gladys has some shred of decency that was thought to be lost.
According to the latest GH spoilers, Gladys begs Dr. Montague to stop torturing her daughter in law. Evidently, she didn’t really how far Dr. Montague would go, or how much if a psychopath he really is! GH previews show that Gladys tries to stop him, but she must give him what he wants first. Now the question arises why is Dr. Montague doing this and what’s he get out of it? And will Gladys deliver, or will Sasha suffer further because of Gladys?