Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) is head over heels for Dex Heller (Evan Hofer). At first, they kept their relationship under wraps due to the nature of his business, and his connection to Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard).
General Hospital recaps recall Josslyn’s apprehension about her feelings for Dex. Growing up, Josslyn’s mom Carly was in love with a mobster. She spent almost her entire adolescence as Sonny Corinthos’s stepdaughter. So, one would think that Joss would be all too familiar with the lifestyle.
As we know, Sonny and Nina’s relationship caused a rift between Sonny, Carly, their son Michael, and her daughter Joss. Ever since he left Carly for Nina, Josslyn’s outlook on Sonny is much different than when she was younger. Still, she can’t help who she felt for and that he works for Corinthos. But what she can do is stand by him, worry about him, and hope he leaves that mobster life.
According to General Hospital spoilers, Josslyn foreshadows Jason and Dex’s fate when she continues to make comparisons between her boyfriend and her mother’s best friend. Ironically, they both happen to be Sonny’s right hand man. Joss points out that Dex is a lot like Jason. They’re both totally loyal, they risk it all for Sonny, and they’d never leave a good man for dead.
Agent John Jagger Cates (Adam Harrington) popped back into Port Charles out of the clear blue sky. One minute John “Brennan” was sniffing around Bobbie’s (formerly known as Kelly’s), then the next he whipped out his FBI badge and began flashing is all over PC.
Previously, General Hospital news reports confirmed that Adam Harrington joined GH’s cast as a past character. He took over the role as Jagger from Antonio Sabato Jr. The change caused a stir among General Hospital fans, and they took their concerns to social media.
So, why did General Hospital decide to bring back Jagger, aka, Agent John Cates? According to recent GH spoilers and rumors, Jagger is the string that ties some PC people together. Some find it interesting that Jagger returned around the same time as Jason, also while Dex Heller’s (Evan Hofer) is in question. When he first arrived in Port Charles, Dex’s family background was a mystery. Then, he revealed that he didn’t get along with his brothers, and his home life was pretty rocky. That’s when rumors really began to take flight. Suddenly, GH rumors claimed that Dex was adopted. And his biological parents are none other than Jason Morgan (Quartermaine) and Karen Wexler.
What do you think? John is displaying red flags when it comes to Jason. Agent Cates’s personal vendetta against Jason Morgan could very well be because of Karen… and Dex!
General Hospital Spoilers: Jagger Reveals Dex’s Parents
It was one day back in 2022 when Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) decided to leave everything behind and come to Port Charles. He risked it all to carry out a convert mission. And once he and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) sealed the deal, Dex Heller was to gather incriminating information against PC mob boss, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard).
According to General Hospital recaps, Dex became Michael’s informant and Sonny’s employee and friend. Unbeknownst to Sonny, the developing bond with his newest right-hand man was built on a lie. Furthermore, his own son set the whole thing in motion. GH spoilers tease that the emotional complexity and true nature of these relationships tell of a long history. Apparently, Dex’s roots run deep in Port Charles.
Jason Morgan and Karen Wexler
GH comings and goings bring Jason Morgan back to the canvas. Along with Steve Burton’s return to GH comes with much speculation about Jason. The way things have been going, it’s looking more and more like Jason Morgan very well could be Dex Heller’s father. While many GH fans are intrigued by the possibility, the aspiring mobster’s mother is also in question. If Jason Morgan is Dex’s father, then who his mom?
Jagger Reveals Dex’s Parents
Looking back at Jason’s relationships, Karen Wexler’s name comes screaming at my mind. She was always torn between Jagger and Jason. And GH history recalls that Karen chose Jagger in the end. But wild GH rumors claim that their love triangle brought about a permanent reminder. Was Karen pregnant with Jason’s baby when she married Jagger? According to the latest GH rumors, Karen and Jagger gave her and Jason’s baby up for adoption.
The connections all make sense. Jagger is back and Jason is set to return in just a few short weeks. Sonny shipped Dex out of town, but Jagger just might tell Sonny (or Jason) exactly who Dex is. So do you think that Karen and Jason could be Dex’s parents?
General Hospital Recaps: Remember When The Island Jagger Cates
Over the years, General Hospital has made history time and time again with its iconic storylines. Sadly, those creative and legendary stories won’t told for a while as we navigate through Covid-19. Although this won’t be forever, it is still difficult for the cast, crew, and fans alike to wrap our heads around the reality of it all. While we sit and wait for our world as we know it to go back to normal, we can reflect on the fond memories from our favorite Daytime Drama.
As fashion trends and TV show reboots from the 1990s have begun to resurface, one very memorable General Hospital storyline from the 1990s comes to mind. In the early 1990s I got sucked in and swept away. I started watching GH with my mom and sister and the story that was front and center revolved around Jason Quartermaine. Now, he goes by Jason Morgan (Steve Burton). Jason, Jagger Cates (Antonio Sabato Jr.), and Karen Wexler (Cari Shayne) were stranded on an island and I was hooked!
Romance, drama, and adventure followed these three wherever they went, even on a deserted island! After being shipwrecked, they were stranded on a deserted island, making things very awkward for everyone involved since Jagger and Karen were a couple, Jason was annoyed, and the two men weren’t too keen on each other. This love triangle was secondary to that of Jagger, Karen, and Brenda Barrett (Vanessa Marcil), but developed as Jason Quartermaine was basically a third wheel when he, Jagger, and Karen were stuck on a deserted island.
General Hospital Recaps: Remember When The Island Jagger
Tension was always thick between Jason and Jagger. Of course, it was all over a girl. Karen Wexler was the girl they both had their eye on. So, in one climatic scene, Jagger walked up as Jason embraced Karen from behind. Naturally, Jagger was angry and jealous, but it wasn’t what it looked liked. Instead, Jason was comforting Karen after the attempted rape. Like always, Jason Morgan has been a savior to women. He is a natural protector, quick thinker, and a fighter for what’s right. Jason Quartermaine never lost that part of himself, even after the car accident with his brother AJ (Sean Kanan), leading him to change his name from Quartermaine to another family name, Morgan.
At some point, Jason and Jagger had to put their pride and differences aside. This was necessary in order to work together to survive. Jagger was the muscle, while Jason was both the brains of the operation. Additionally, it’s apparent that both Jason and Jagger are strong and resourceful. Karen was resourceful in her own right, but definitely played the role of damsel in distress very well.