Let’s be honest, the everyday grind isn’t easy. In fact, most of us fantasize about ways to live without being a slave to money until we die. Although the typical 8-5 workday isn’t the most appealing, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
Taylor Swift once said, “Don’t you know that cash ain’t the only price?” Sure, someone you know might have body guards, an endless coffee supply, a private island as a safe-house, or designer clothes, a room at the Metro Court, or all of the above. But what is the price outside of monetary terms for the finer things in life? Often times money can buy frivolous purchases but it’s how the money was earned that sits uncomfortably with some people. Or not. Sadly, some people can sleep like a baby while knowing that they are the reason for someone’s pain and suffering.
On the flip side, others life everyday in constant fear of the enemy. That’s when protecting your own becomes more than your first priority. More importantly, an attempt to fortify your entire family’s world becomes your way of life. Port Charles mob boss Sonny Corinthos is a powerful man. Yet, he continues to find himself at odds with a new enemy.
Is Yuri A Friend Or Foe?
A body guard is a highly trusted, highly skilled professional that is hired to protect another person or group. So far, the Quartermaine’s bodyguard Yuri (Cyrus Hobbi) meets both of those expected attributes. He’s been nothing but kind and helpful to the Q clan, especially Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton). Yuri even called her by a nickname. From the looks of things, Yuri is quite fond of Miss BLQ and the entire Quartermaine family.
The Russian Mob 2008
Despite his big Teddy bear-like assets, Yuri could very well be a plant. No, not the kind that grows upon water and sunlight, but rather a decoy. Apparently, Yuri may not be the all-powerful protector like we all thought. Is Yuri there to carryout his obligation to serve and protect the Quartermaine family? Or is the Russian stationed with ulterior motives? General Hospital recaps highlight the year 2008 and its Russian storyline. Sonny had a new enemy, Karpov.
General Hospital spoilers and rumors, Yuri insinuates himself into Gloria Cerullo’s (Ellen Travolta) predicament with the Russian mob. He doesn’t rent to help Gloria. In reality, this is all part of a grander plan to get to Sonny.