Who would YOU name as GH’s Next Luke and Laura?! …Lucas Lorenzo Spencer and Laura Webber Spencer are two household names in American culture, and probably the most recognized names in television couple history. Since the late 1970’s, their epic life story carried daytime television fans through decades of compelling stories.
Although couples have come close, Luke and Laura’s love story is unmatched. But every now and again a new couple comes along with all the right qualities to create another phenomenon. And despite couples like Jason and Sam, Sonny and Carly, Sonny and Brenda, and even Luke and Laura’s own son, Lucky and his love Elizabeth, Luke and Laura still reign King and Queen.
Bradford Anderson Names GH’s Next Luke and Laura
Recently, General Hospital stars Bradford Anderson and Steve Burton answered fan questions on their podcast, The Daily Drama. Steve and Bradford discussed the possibilities for the next Potential Port Charles Power Couple. Specifically to follow in the footstepse of the ever-famous Luke Spencer and Laura (Webber) Spencer.
GH’s Jason and Spinelli tossed around ideas, and addressed many factors that go into making that decision.
Some Potential Port Charles Power Couples include Lucky and Elizabeth, Maxie and Spinelli, Jason and Britt, Spencer and Trina…According to GH news and spoilers, Bradford Anderson names Willow and Drew the next Luke and Laura. Of course, these pranksters followed up Bradford’s comment with laughter and lighthearted fun. Let’s be honest, we all know that Drew and Willow are a total joke!