
General Hospital News And Spoilers: Confirmed! Bryan Craig Returns To General Hospital

General Hospital Returns To General Hospital
Bryan Craig Returns To General Hospital

Ever since his departure in 2018, General Hospital fans have anticipated Bryan Craig’s return. Craig played Morgan Corinthos, son of Port Charles’s mob boss.

The role of Sonny and Carly’s son was prevalent throughout the early 2000s. Morgan grew up to be a lot like dear old dad, having bipolar disorder and all. Also, they have similar taste in women. Ava Jerome (Maura West) is proof of that.

Recently, General Hospital rumors teased that Bryan Craig was on his way back to GH. The actor had dropped a couple of hints on various social media platforms. Of course, GH Blog shared the the latest with fans. Check out the article below to see why Maurice Benard and Bryan Craig are up to!

General Hospital News And Spoilers: Bryan Craig And Maurice Benard Get Into Character After Rumors of Morgan Corinthos Return

Is Bryan Craig Returning To General Hospital?

General Hospital news reports confirm Bryan Craig returns to General Hospital. The popular actor will return to the canvas to play Morgan Corinthos. Reports indicate that Craig will reprise the role for one episode this Summer. Was the hype surrounding the recent mystery return rumor worth it? Undoubtedly, Craig’s return to GH as Morgan pleases the masses. But what can happen in only one episode?

General Hospital Spoilers: It’s Not THAT They Break Up, It’s WHY They Break Up- Carly and Drew Are Headed For Disaster

Drew and Carly’s breakup

Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) was known for loving one man over all others. Although hard times and crossed lines became familiar, Carly and Sonny Corinthos’s (Maurice Benard) magnetic bond always pulled them close. That’s why Port Charles mobster and his ride or die destined for one another. Now, it’s only a matter of time before that force draws them in again.

It looks like Sonny is about to be on the market again shortly after marrying Nina. Have no fear because he’s fresh and up for grabs. But for how long? GH rumors hint that Sonny and Nina are headed to splitsville. Additionally, Carly and Drew will hit a few snags that just might make this whole thing unravel.

Drew and Carly’s breakup shocks Port Charles

General Hospital spoilers indicate that According to recent General Hospital spoilers and rumors, Drew takes on a new outlook. No more Mr. Nice Guy, because Drew is tired of being a pushover. Lately, GH rumors suggest that Carly supports and understands the origin of Drew’s shifting vision. Allegedly, Drew’s anger begins to consume him and he loses control. GH rumors tease that this leads to Drew and Carly’s shocking yet inevitable breakup.

What will Drew do to send Carly packing for good? It’s hard to imagine because he’s typically so calm and even-keeled. But GH spoilers tease that Drew shows a new side that Carly doesn’t like. Will he go after her son Michael for revenge? Or, will he cheat? Few and Anna’s conversations got letting interesting… what is Drew capable of?

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Gets Tracy’s Stamp Of Approval

Michael gets Tracy’s approval
Michael gets Tracy’s approval

It’s no secret that the Quartermaine and Corinthos families aren’t the best of friends despite their intermingled members. The Quartermaines were never particularly fond of Carly (Corinthos) Spencer because of her entanglements with both of their son.

In retrospect, Carly caused a lot of problems for the Q family back in the day. It was back when she got pregnant by AJ (Sean Kanan), but convinced Jason to pass baby Michael off as his own. Over the years Carly and the Quartermaine family have managed to play nice most of the time. Needless to say, some members of Michael’s biological paternal side have held resentment toward Carly and Sonny for raising Michael as a Corinthos when he’s technically a Quartermaine. But the Qs are known for their tough exterior, especially Tracy Quartermaine. That’s why Tracy’s next move is a shock to her family as well as GH viewers.

According to the latest GH previews, Michael gets Tracy’s approval despite having been the family black sheep of the younger generations. Perhaps it’s time that Tracy realizes that Michael has paid his dues as a Quartermaine throughout the years. GH rumors tease that Michael’s just as shocked as the viewers when Tracy’s pat on the back is sincere.

Is it possible that Tracy approves of Michael’s recent, covert business scheme? First, Michael knew that Nina was the one who turned his mom and drew into the SEC and stay quiet. Then he showed Nina his hand and used it to his advantage. All keeping the truth from his mom and dad. Everything about this earns Tracy’s stamp of approval.

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Throws Michael Under The Bus- But It Backfires

Nina throws Michael under the bus
Nina throws Michael under the bus

Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) just lost her mother. Despite not having been raised by Bobbie Spencer (Jackie Zeman), Carly and Bobbie had a precious mother-daughter relationship. The last thing that Carly needs is Nina at this difficult time.

GH recaps highlight Nina’s track record. Seemingly Nina Reeves, (Cynthia Watros) lives her life in Carly‘s shadow. The new Mrs. Corinthos got where she is today by stealing from the former Mrs. Corinthos. First, she stole Carly’s husband Sonny in the most devious way, and then she stole her career. Yes, Nina took Carly’s half of the Metro Court right from under her. As if that wasn’t enough, Nina then snitched on Carly and her boyfriend Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) to the SEC.

General Hospital spoilers and previews indicate that Nina throws Michael under the bus. Can we say deflection? Now that the cats out of the bag and Nina’s deception and lies have been exposed, she now deflects the blame onto Carly and Sonny’s son. See, she blames him for Carly’s anguish because he knew what Nina had done and didn’t tell her mom or dad. However, Michael’s only known since October, and there were many factors involved in his decision. That’s why General Hospital spoilers and rumors hint that things won’t go as Nina planned. Instead, it backfires, and Carly understands exactly why Michael kept his mouth shut.

General Hospital Spoilers: Parents Betrayed By Their Son, Michael Betrays Sonny and Carly

Michael Betrays Sonny and Carly
Michael Betrays Sonny and Carly

The Corinthos family drama is one big never-ending vicious cycle of lies and betrayals. Over the years Michael and his mom Carly have remained close despite the drama that plagues their entire family. Sadly, the same can’t be said for other members of their family. Especially Michael and his father Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard).

Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) sees Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) as the root of all his recent family problems. Over the years the Corinthos family bond grew even with the pressureshtom Sonny’s business. Today, the Corinthos’s have secrets and lies and it all began after Nina came into their lives. GH recaps recall Michael’s vow to destroy Sonny after he chose Nina over Carly. Ever since, he’s been keeping a secret from his father. Despite Dex Heller and Michael’s currently loyalty to Sonny, things started off much differently. Originally, Michael hired Dex to take down Sonny but things changed and Michael regrets his actions.

According to General Hospital rumors, Nina somehow gets wind that Michael set out to destroy her husband, Michael’s own father. Remember that flash drive? Yeah, well Nina just might get her hands on it.

Moreover, General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Nina exposes Michael and Sonny finds out that he hired Dex to take him down. Furthermore, Carly and Sonny learn that Michael has known that Nina was the SEC whistleblower for a while.

Nina is on a mission to get revenge on either Carly or Michael. And if it was up to her, Nina would surely choose to kill two birds with one stone. GH spoilers claims that Michael Betrays Sonny and Carly and Nina is the one who opens that can of worms. Ultimately, Carly discovers that Michael has know that Nina turned her into the SEC for months. Will Sonny and Carly bond over Michael’s betrayal?

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Risks It All, Exposes Michael To Willow

Nina Exposes Michael to Willow
Nina Exposes Michael to Willow

Maybe it’s that unexplainable mother/daughter connection, but Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen) can sense that something is off with Nina. Although they haven’t known each other their entire lives, or even ten years, Willow and Nina are indeed mother and daughter.

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is on borrowed time and she knows it. Right now Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) is pulling the strings, limiting Nina’s visitation with Willow, Wiley, and Amelia. Sadly, Nina’s secrets eventually tear her world apart. But for now, she stays quiet so that she can stay as close to Willow and the kids as possible. While Nina is as close as she can get, Willow wonders what she’s staying at arm’s length. Little does Willow know that this is all her husband Michael will allow.

Nina retaliates against Michael

Nina Exposes Michael to Willow

According to General Hospital spoilers Nina is sick of it! She’s sick of walking on pins and needles around Michael, and she’s had enough of the distance. This time is meant to be spent getting to know her daughter. How can they build a relationship if they can’t get close enough? Furthermore, Willow suspects that Nina is pulling away and Nina doesn’t want Willow to believe that.

She’s come too far just to let Michael take it all away from her. That’s why General Hospital spoilers and rumors hint that Michael is exposed! Will Nina risk it all and throw Michael under the bus ?

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Pushes His Luck, Two Can Play That Game When Nina Retaliates Against Her Stepson

Nina retaliates against Michael
Nina retaliates against Michael

Will the tables turn on Michael if he pushes his luck? Maybe Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell ) should quit while he’s ahead when it comes to Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros). She might be a bigger threat than Michael anticipated if she is pushed too far. Besides, her petty and vindictive ways have caused lasting damage. Can Michael and his family really stand to endure another tragic event?

General Hospital spoilers indicate that Nina continues to lie to Sonny about her offer for Carly to buy back her half of the Metro Court. The offer wasn’t out of the goodness of her heart, but Sonny thinks that Nina is the bigger person. Little does he know that his son blackmailed his wife. Meanwhile, Nina faces Michael’s wrath as a result of her actions against Carly. However, has Michael forgotten what he has planned for his own father? Talk about the ultimate revenge.

According to the latest General Hospital rumors, Nina retaliates against Michael. Remember, he isn’t Mr. Squeaky clean. In fact, he profitably plotted to send Sonny to prison for the rest of his life. How will Sonny react when he finds out that his son’s revere plot was more sinister than he ever imagined?

General Hospital spoilers: Nina Makes A Power Move Over Michael As Her Last Ditch Effort- The New Mrs. Corinthos Assumes Her Title Among All Else

Nina tells Sonny herself
Nina tells Sonny herself

Nina Reeves sure has done well for herself. Certainly, she came a long way from her horrible past. When she first arrived in Port Charles in 2014, Nina was in a bad way. Coming fresh from a coma, Nina was all out of sorts. But the most unsettling aspect is that she was actively pulling calculated schemes.

Despite falling victim to her mother Madeline Reeves, Nina has since crawled herself out of the hole she was in. Somehow, the woman who abducted a pregnant Ava and induced labor to steal her baby is sitting on top of Port Charles. As General Hospital recaps recall, Nina used lies and deception to land herself a high-profile man. And not just any man, but Carly Corinthos’s (Laura Wright) husband. She managed to sever a family with her selfish and criminal choices.

Finally, General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Nina’s days on her thrown are numbered. Now that Michael knows the truth and confronted Nina, once again she answers to her son-in-law. According to General Hospital spoilers that may have flown in the past but Nina isn’t going to take it this time. GH Rumors tease that the new Mrs. Corinthos assumes her title, taking not only Sonny’s name, but his sense of empowerment.

Carly Corinthos and Nina Reeves

Nina Tells Sonny Herself

Currently, Michael has Nina backed into a corner. With Willow as his first priority, Michael calls the shots yet again. Michael looks out for his family in the ways he knows best. Right now Willow’s mother is a threat to the family and Michael keeps a close watch. In what seems like a never ending saga, the storyline takes a turn when Nina makes a power move over Michael.

GH spoilers tease that Nina’s sick and tired of being bullied by Sonny’s family and she takes matters into her own hands. Will she come clean to Sonny before he finds out the hard way? Now that they’re married, Nina has a sense of security with Sonny. Although she’s aware of the possibility, Nina’s no longer fixated on Sonny leaving her. But you know what they say, things happen when we least expect them.

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael’s Attempt To Protect His Family Backfires When Nina Suffers Psychotic Break

Nina Suffers Psychotic Break
Nina Suffers Psychotic Break

Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and his family have been a major focal point of Port Charles. His powerful position as head of the Corinthos Organization has drawn attention to his life for many years. Correspondingly, his children grew up in the public eye. His son Michael is all grown up and has a family of his own. And just like his dad, Michael’s determined to protect his family above all else.

Michael Corinthos’s (Chad Duell) family is his first priority. As a husband and father, protecting Willow (Katelyn MacMullen), Wiley, and Amelia comes above all else. That’s why he feels the need to squash any new and existing threat to the ones he loves. General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Michael’s instincts were right and Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) cannot be trusted. But because of the recent findings that prove Nina is Willow’s mother, circumstances gave Michael a reason to give Nina a chance.

Michael’s Plan Backfires When Nina Becomes A Danger

Now that the sh!t has hit the fan, Michael works overtime to make sure that Willow and the kids are safe. That means, it doesn’t matter who you are, Michael screens anyone who wants access to his family. Especially if someone has been known as problematic. Without a doubt, Willow’s biological mother falls into this category. GH recaps recall Michael and Nina’s intense conversation regarding her little stunt. His warnings upset his new stepmom as Michael laid down the law. Now, she must comply to her step son’s rules regarding time spent with her daughter and grandchildren.

Nina Reeves becomes a danger to Willow

According to GH spoilers and rumors, Nina can’t handle the pressure as Michael dangles her secret over her head. However, Nina isn’t the only one who experiences adverse consequences for her lies. GH rumors claim that Michael’s family is in more danger than ever because Nina goes off the deep end, posing a threat to Willow and anyone else in her orbit. Nina’s history of psychological problems become a major concern as she becomes more and more unstable.

How will a Michael protect his family once Nina loses her mind?

General Hospital Spoilers: Martin Warns Michael To Think Twice Before Making His Next Move

Martin warns Michael about Willow
Martin warns Michael about Willow

Martin Gray has hell to pay! He gave up Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) to save himself. As a result, the bumbling attorney broke the client/attorney confidentiality laws. Furthermore,

Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) pulled a fast one on Nina’s attorney, and was able to get a recording of Martin’s confession. Michael has all the proof he needs to have Nina in his control. According to GH spoilers and rumors, Martin warns Michael to think twice before exposing Nina. Currently, all that Michael can think about is confronting his step mom, ultimately exposing her secret. However, there is one little detail that Michael overlooked.

The latest General Hospital promo indicates that Michael is ready to make his move. Additionally, GH rumors tease that Martin warns Michael about Willow. Her miraculous recovery and fresh start to life should be handled with care. Willow recently started to build a relationship with her mother, and she’s happy.

Will Michael want to take that away from his new bride? GH rumors claim that he reconsiders his plan and gives Nina a choice. Michael wants the final say when it fines to Nina’s interactions with Willow, Wiley, and Amelia. Will Nina accept in exchange for Michael’s silence?