In 1997, the original Final Fantasy 7 game was release on multiple gaming platforms. It was available on Windows iOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, XBox One, and Android. As the most popular game in its series, FF7 has an impressive reach.
Gamers everywhere know the beloved character, Cloud Strife. In a FF7 fan poll, Cloud was voted the most favorited character with 73% of the votes.
Steve Burton is FF7’s Cloud Strife

According to General Hospital news, the voice of FF7’s most popular character is none other than General Hospital’s own Steve Burton. As it turns out, Burton has been playing the voice of Cloud for almost as long as he’s played GH’s iconic bad boy, Jason (Quartermaine) Morgan. Steve has played Jason for just under 30 years. In comparison, Burton’s reign as Cloud Strife was just shy of two decades.
If you’ve stumbled upon this article, you are most likely a General Hospital fan. Or, you are an overall Soap Opera fan. Additionally, if GH’s Steve Burton gets you going, you may have already known about his voice acting. But are you or anyone you know into gaming?
I always say that General Hospital comes full circle with just about everything. It doesn’t matter what movie I’m watching, tv show I’m binging, or even video game that I’ve played. Everything always finds a way to come back to General Hospital. ❤️ Has anyone had a similar experience? Do you find that almost everything ties to at least one aspect of General Hospital in its 61 years?