Hasn’t Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) learned her lesson? It seems like this woman goes hard for love but when she’s over it, then she becomes destructive.
General Hospital recaps recall that even before Curtis’s attack Portia wanted nothing more than to make things right with Curtis and Trina. Oddly, the man who got cheated on and raised another man’s baby is totally cool with Portia. Hmm, that reminds me of someone else we know. Marcus Taggert reminds me a lot of Sonny in this sense. Because like Taggert, Sonny is also “cool” with the woman who betrayed him. In fact, he’s so cool with her that he married her! Go figure!
According to recent General Hospital spoilers, Portia is up to her old ways as bad habits die hard. Her current marital struggles lead to temptation. Currently, her husband is found to a wheel-chair and his sex life is compromised. More importantly, Curtis (Donnell Turner) told his wife that he’s not mentally or emotionally ready to get intimate. GH rumors tease that this deeply affects Portia in a sense that she feels neglected. Similarly to when Taggert’s career made her feel neglected as well. Unfortunately, we all know what happened next.
Meanwhile, TJ leans on her shoulder as she preaches to him about keeping secrets. All the while she has this covert mission to sabotage her daughter’s relationship. Moreover, TJ’s grieves and for some reason he cannot open up to Molly the way that he can with Portia. Apparently, the latest GH rumors claim that their individual circumstances throw them together, and Portia and TJ’s affair shatters Curtis and Molly.