Rory’s feelings for Trina raise red flags! Rory Cabrera (Michael Blake Kruse) is coming on too strong, too soon. Those are just two of many of Rory’s red flags!
General Hospital recaps recall Ava Jerome (Maura West) admitted she’s envious of Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali). Trina couldn’t understand why a gorgeous, successful woman like Ava would feel green over a college student like herself. However, Ava confessed she’d trade in all her power and success for a guy like Rory.
General Hospital spoilers reveal Ava couldn’t be more wrong. A woman should never give up her power and success for any man. But that’s not the only reason Ava is in the wrong. General Hospital rumors tease Rory isn’t all he’s cracked up to be. In fact, he’s not even close.
General Hospital spoilers reveal Rory’s feelings for Trina leave her feeling uneasy. She’s taken aback by Rory’s profession of love, resulting in resisting his emotional advances. GH rumors claim Trina thinks Rory is coming on too strong, too soon, causing her to run screaming. His agenda has the opposite effect of what was intended which complicates Rory’s plan. This is where General Hospital rumors speculate things will get dicey as Rory picks up on Trina’s aversions. Trina can’t hide her discomfort when Rory comes on too strong. Unfortunately, her inability to keep a poker face causes Rory to snap.
Trina’s knight in shining armor unveils himself as Rory the rapscallion. Who will make it out alive?