
General Hospital News and Spoilers: GH Fans In Denial Over Steve Burton – It’s FAKE!

GH fans in denial over Steve Burton
GH Fans In Denial Over Steve Burton

Fake news! Fake news! Lately, it’s difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is fake. Photoshop, camera lens filters, and now AI have taken over the internet. Since the rise of social media, “fake news” became a big issue in our society. This day and age publications have become less credible as journalism drowns in a sea of misinformation.

Aside from accepting that we can completely alter a photo with Photoshops and copycat apps, certain apps use different lenses. For example, Snapchat selfies come out exactly how they’re taken, like a mirror image. While the iPhone camera lens.

Furthermore, when it comes to the ability to discern authenticity from a fabrication in media, evolutionary technology is just one of the components. Often times we see what we want to see. Recently, popular GH star shared a photo of himself with his new girlfriend, Michelle Lundstrom.

GH Fans In Denial Over Steve Burton

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Steve Burton Reveals New Girlfriend Post Divorce

Say it isn’t so! General Hospital news reports reveal that fan pages exploded with engagement on a picture post including Steve and his new girlfriend, Michelle. While many congratulated their favorite guy in PC, a large amount of people used the platform to claim and debate the authenticity of the photo. To be fair, Steve’s tattoo threw this entire thing off. The camera displayed Steve in a flip-flopped lens. That’s when fans questioned his arm with the new tattoo, calling the photo post fake.

Additionally, some even took it a step further and claimed that I was proven wrong and would take down my post. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Suddenly, General Hospital Blog’s Facebook page flooded with questions. Comments about Steve’s tattoo fueled the accusations of a fake photo. Then, a post was written to explain that the photo was indeed real. In fact, GH Blog informed fans that Steve has posted the same photo on his The Daily Drama podcast page. Still, GH fans insisted that it was fake.

Moreover, reports claim that some fans took it as far as to bully Lundstrom online. I won’t post the claims because I don’t want to spread negativity. GH Blog wishes Steve and Michelle all the best as their relationship continues to grow. 💖

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Steve Burton Gets Emotional Over Jason And Monica

Steve Burton gets emotional over Monica
Steve Burton gets emotional over Monica

*🎤Sings * “One of these things is not like the other.” When I think of General Hospital’s iconic Quartermaine family certain traits and characteristics come flooding to mind. Aside from a strong family unit, the Qs give “corporate” vibes.

Over the years, Edward and Lila, and Alan and Monica created an image and reputation that lives on today. Cutthroat, conniving, cheating and backstabbing, are just a few of the recognizable Quartermaine traits and characteristics. Similarly, these traits and characteristics hold true as a family and how they run the family business.

Despite having been raised as a Quartermaine, it’s hard to imagine Jason Morgan’s place in the family today. According to GH history, Jason Quartermaine fit prior to his and AJ’s life altering car accident. The former aspiring doctor was as professional and business oriented as a Q can get before his and his family’s life face a drastic change.

Still, Jason is and always will be a Quartermaine. Although Jason strayed away from the family to work for Sonny, he and his mom, Monica Quartermaine’s bond was never broken. Sure, things weee rocky for a while. But Jason always kept Monica close to his heart.

Steve Burton gets emotional over Monica

General Hospital news and spoilers reveals an emotion experience for Steve Burton. According to his and Bradford’s event podcast, Burton became so emotional on set that he almost walked off during his scene. As it turns out, Jason really does have feelings! Ha! Just kidding. He obviously has feelings but as Burton stated, Jason doesn’t always wear his emotions on his sleeve.

That said, GH news reveals Steve’s emotional scene involving Jason and Monica. He confessed to Bradford Anderson that he almost walked off set while recently filming a scene. “I was so emotional, I couldn’t even get it out.” He added, “I was literally going to walk off the set,” then he came to a realization about the authenticity of the scene. “Next take, it’s not going to be the same.”

General hospital spoilers reveal that Steve’s emotions kicked up while reading his script. Jason read a letter from Leslie Charleson’s character, Monica Quartermaine. and it said, “I believe in you.”

Evidently, Jason reading the letter from Monica struck a cord with Steve. with concerns surrounding Leslie Charleston‘s health fans can’t help but wonder if something is seriously wrong with the legendary actress. We will continue to keel GH fans updated on the latest GH news, spoilers, and more.