It must be so strange for Willow to bring herself to call either of these women her mother. The woman who “raised” jet was the only mother she’d ever known. It’s no secret that Willow and Harmony’s relationship with strained, and downright toxic at times. However, Harmony loved her “daughter” and despite her mom’s actions, Willow loved her too.
GH recaps recall Willow’s waiting room catnap. She dozed off at the hospital and was awakened by a disturbing dream. I’m the dream, her late mother Harmony came to Willow with a warning. Ever since General Hospital’s 9/29/23 episode, GH fans try to master lip reading as they try to decipher what Harmony mouthed to Willow.
GH Spoiler ???? Alert! After watching the clip over and over, I’ve come to believe that I figured out what Harmony said for the most part. “You can’t. You can’t. I’m warning you, Willow, you can’t trust.”

Harmony’s warning rattles Willow. She can’t seem to shake her mom’s warning regarding trust. Who or what can’t Willow trust? General Hospital spoilers indicate that’s when Willow confided in Nina regarding her dream of Harmony. Surprised, Nina is taken aback (in a good way) by the fact that Willow came to her to talk in the first place. However, soon enough the good vibes fade. Willow tells Nina what Harmony said in her dream and now Nina fears Harmony’s warning. From the looks of things, One of Willow’s mother’s is most likely warning her about her other mother, Nina.
See, Nina knows what she’s done and that’s why her secrets must stay buried. Because if Willow finds out then her chances at a relationship with her daughter are over.