
Kirsten Storms Returns to GH Today as Maxie Jones 9-5-12

Today is the day GH, Maxie Jones, and Kirsten Storms fans have been waiting for! Today marks Kirsten’s first air date back to General Hospital since her medical leave about a year ago. She has been missed. We are so happy that she is healthy and able to be back to work. She is a beautiful and talented actress and it is wonderful to have her grace us with her presence every afternoon.I personally am looking forward to ALL of Maxie’s scenes and interactions with the residents of Port Charles. In the near future, I have hope for Spinelli and Maxie to get back together. We need a Spixie reunion! Congratulations Kirsten on getting well and coming back to work. Welcome back!

General Hospital 8-31-12 Promo

Watch as the showdown begins! Jerry wants to destroy Sonny and Sonny will fight back with everything he has. Will Port Charles be saved? Who will survive?


Youtube video posted by: LorijoGH

Nathin Butler (Dr. Ewen Keenan) Leaving GH

According to a tweet by actor Nathin Butler, who plays Dr. Keenan on GH, it looks as if he is leaving the show. I really like his character, and I too hope they bring him back.

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/nathinbutler/status/240691618292854784″]

Steve Burton QUITS General Hospital

I am in just a shock as EVERYONE else. I haven’t even finished reading the full article as I am typing this blog post. I am almost in tears actually. Thoughts are racing through my head such as, “What will happen to The Morgan’s? What about the baby? Jason Jr.? How will this end?” I am terribly heartbroken by this news. I honestly thought it was a sick joke when I briefly read the tweet. Not until I opened the article did I know it was true. I have to cut this post short and post a link for you all to click on because I can’t even write right now… Click here.

GH: The Return of Duke Lavery

Yesterday’s episode revealed that Duke Lavery, husband of Anna Devane from back in 1990 is back on the scene. He died in Anna’s arms after being gunned down, and suddenly, he is back! Check out the article on Frank Valentini’s reason behind the surprise. Click here for the full article. Luke and Duke… Anna has some decisions to make!

General Hospital and the Wrath of Jerry Jacks

Fans agree that right now, General Hospital is at the top of it’s game. Like a good book, we just can’t put it down. I literally get irritated and cranky when it ends and I have to wait until the next day to catch more of it. I say this a lot but in all honesty, I haven’t been this into GH since Ric Lansing kidnapped a pregnant Carly, hid her in a panic room in a house he shared with Elizabeth, and chained Carly to the wall. That stuff was intense. Every single aspect of this show right now has that same intensity. From Jerry Jacks, to Jax coming back, Robin, Luke, and Anna, Sonny and Joe Jr., Liz and Ewen, Jason and Sam (and McBain), Olivia and her hallucinations… Ok, you get my drift. I am loving it all.

Lately I have been really thinking about how much Olivia’s story ties into the entire Jerry Jacks story line, and it’s so brilliant how they are playing this out. Her hallucinations always have some reality to them. Seeing Lulu pregnant, than her test was positive, seeing the water as if it were poison, and seeing Dr. Keenan as the devil… they all have truth and it is so exciting to see Olivia inadvertently tie everything together in such a strange and unexpected way. Lisa LoCicero is doing such a fabulous job with this story. She looks and acts the part so well it makes you feel her distress and anguish.

There is something about Jerry aka (Mr. Craig) that still gives me the creeps after all these years. His character has the right amount of evil to be extremely terrifying and at the same time he actually has some humanistic feelings left for his family, Jacks, Joss, and the woman he loved, Alexis. Sebastian Roche is a phenomenal actor, and is able to make us fear and hate him. Even though he does a fabulous job at making us hate him, I still don’t want to see his character die. He plays an awesome villain and brings so much excitement to the canvas. I look forward to Monday’s GH and the episodes to come. Enjoy!

Lulu and Dante Are Not Pregnant?

Lulu and Dante went to visit the doctor and were saddened by shocking news. The doctor told Lulu that they jumped the gun and that she was actually not pregnant. The at home pregnancy test was a false positive. I was really sad to see that happen because Lulu was so unexpectedly happy about it. I thought she was going to be upset and angry while Dante was thrilled. It was going to be a breath of fresh air watching something UNPREDICTABLE. In the previews they insinuate that perhaps there may be something wrong will Lulu. This may be where she has to tell him about the abortion she had as a teen when she was pregnant with Dillon’s baby. This will open a whole new can of works for Lante. I still hope that the doctor was wrong and Lulu actually is pregnant. :-/


Revision: It was brought to my attention and jogged my memory that in 2012 Lulu already told him about the abortion! I don’t know what I was thinking. That whole story slipped my mind. But as soon as I watched the YouTube clip send to me by Twitter user  @DCCowgirl4eva, I remembered the entire thing. 🙂 Sorry about that guys!

Dante and Lulu are Having a Baby!







Images by Tumblr user: Alexandra-Sloan

Lulu is pregnant! I am a big Lante fan, they are such a cute couple! I can relate a lot to Date because he is Italian. The way he treats Lulu is so familiar. It’s really adorable how they act together. He is the protective old fashion husband and she is not used to being treated the way he treats her- good and not so good. I don’t wanna say bad, because it’s really not. It’s just not what she is used to. I like their differences and the conflicts and obstacles that arise because of them. I was so happy that he was happy to be a Father. I completely felt her hesitation, yet she let us know that she was truly happy deep down. Pregnancy is a REAL and scary thing, especially if it came out of nowhere. It was so exciting to see her tell him this soon and it not be carried on for weeks/months or having him think it was Maxie who was pregnant for more than those 5 minutes. I am excited to see this pregnancy and how Olivia’s prediction ties into her new condition due to the LSD. I have a feeling this is all about to get very interesting… 🙂