
General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Declares War On Sonny and Carly, and Chooses Her Weapon Of War

Nina declares war on Sonny and Carly
Nina declares war on Sonny and Carly

First impressions don’t get a second chance. For many, meeting someone or a group of people got the first time can be rather nerve wracking. Job interviews, first dates, and meeting your future in-laws are somewhat stressful events for some. That said, it’s important to make a good first impression. But what about unexpected encounters? Many would argue that even meeting someone at random holds similar notions. A future connection with a new person weighs heavily on that very first meeting. So, what’s that say about Nina Reeves, and her first impression on Port Charles?

GH recaps highlight Nina’s state of mind when she arrive in Port Charles. It’s no secret that she’d been in a coma, and they she displayed mental instability. As time went on Cynthia Watros’s character grew as the writer’s dove deeper into Nina’s personality. Soon, Nina had some redeeming qualities, but her biggest personality trait for me is who she was in her first impression in PC. You can’t forget crazy.

Fast forward and Nina’s covert craziness rears its ugly head. She’s been able to subdue her real self for a few years, but that’s good and done. Now that she’s told her last lie as Mrs. Corinthos, General Hospital spoilers and previews indicate that Nina declares war on Sonny and Carly.

According to GH spoilers and rumors, Nina chooses her weapon of war. Back in 2022, Liesl gifted Nina a Japanese Tantō. Does she have plans to use it on her enemies?

General Hospital Spoilers: It’s Not THAT They Break Up, It’s WHY They Break Up- Carly and Drew Are Headed For Disaster

Drew and Carly’s breakup

Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) was known for loving one man over all others. Although hard times and crossed lines became familiar, Carly and Sonny Corinthos’s (Maurice Benard) magnetic bond always pulled them close. That’s why Port Charles mobster and his ride or die destined for one another. Now, it’s only a matter of time before that force draws them in again.

It looks like Sonny is about to be on the market again shortly after marrying Nina. Have no fear because he’s fresh and up for grabs. But for how long? GH rumors hint that Sonny and Nina are headed to splitsville. Additionally, Carly and Drew will hit a few snags that just might make this whole thing unravel.

Drew and Carly’s breakup shocks Port Charles

General Hospital spoilers indicate that According to recent General Hospital spoilers and rumors, Drew takes on a new outlook. No more Mr. Nice Guy, because Drew is tired of being a pushover. Lately, GH rumors suggest that Carly supports and understands the origin of Drew’s shifting vision. Allegedly, Drew’s anger begins to consume him and he loses control. GH rumors tease that this leads to Drew and Carly’s shocking yet inevitable breakup.

What will Drew do to send Carly packing for good? It’s hard to imagine because he’s typically so calm and even-keeled. But GH spoilers tease that Drew shows a new side that Carly doesn’t like. Will he go after her son Michael for revenge? Or, will he cheat? Few and Anna’s conversations got letting interesting… what is Drew capable of?

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Blames Herself For Bobbie’s Death, Drew Offers His Support

Carly reacts to Bobbie’s death
Carly reacts to Bobbie’s death

It looks like the new year has already presented challenges for Carly Spencer [Corinthos] (Laura Wright). Last year’s losses seem almost trivial compared to what Carly now faces. Surely, losing your husband is devastating but in reality Sonny came back. He may have left her for his captor, but at least he wasn’t dead. The former Mrs. Corinthos also lost her career last year thanks to Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros). So now Carly goes through life reinventing herself as Nina walks away with her husband and her hotel.

General Hospital spoilers reveal that more hard times are ahead for Carly. Thankfully, she has Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) by her side as she grieves. GH recaps highlight the devastating phone call that changed Carly’s life forever. That’s when she learned that her mother, Bobbie Spencer had died.

Carly Reacts To Bobbie’s Death

According to the latest General Hospital previews, Carly begins to blame herself. She believes that if she would have done something differently than her mom would still be alive. We all know that’s not true, but Carly is going through the early stages as she processes this tragedy. Meanwhile, Sonny learns that Nina betrayed him by hurting Carly. Maybe Carly will have more than Drew for support.

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina’s Downfall Begins! Someone Pulled The String That Unravels Her Entire Life-Who Gets To Sonny First?

Who tells Sonny about Nina
Who tells Sonny about Nina?

More people know about Nina’s secret than she ever planned on ever knowing. She thought that she could get her revenge and stay under the radar, while living a happy, carefree life in Carly’s shoes. For a while she had everything she ever wanted and at the former Mrs. Corinthos’s expense.

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Nina’s days as Mrs. Corinthos are numbered. She stole Carly’s husband and her career but things always have a way of balancing out in the end. As an outsider looking in, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) looks like she’s on top of the world. While she might have the man, the job, and the big family she always wanted, Nina is her own worst enemy.

Now that Nina’s secret isn’t much of a secret, there’s no doubt that there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. GH spoilers and rumors indicate that someone spills the tea and soon Sonny learns the truth about Nina. But who will become to most loved character on General Hospital? Because anyone who finally exposes Nina to Sonny will be the majority of GH fan’s new favorite Port Charles citizen.

Who Tells Sonny About Nina?

Who has the biggest reason to expose Nina Reeves?

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Pushes His Luck, Two Can Play That Game When Nina Retaliates Against Her Stepson

Nina retaliates against Michael
Nina retaliates against Michael

Will the tables turn on Michael if he pushes his luck? Maybe Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell ) should quit while he’s ahead when it comes to Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros). She might be a bigger threat than Michael anticipated if she is pushed too far. Besides, her petty and vindictive ways have caused lasting damage. Can Michael and his family really stand to endure another tragic event?

General Hospital spoilers indicate that Nina continues to lie to Sonny about her offer for Carly to buy back her half of the Metro Court. The offer wasn’t out of the goodness of her heart, but Sonny thinks that Nina is the bigger person. Little does he know that his son blackmailed his wife. Meanwhile, Nina faces Michael’s wrath as a result of her actions against Carly. However, has Michael forgotten what he has planned for his own father? Talk about the ultimate revenge.

According to the latest General Hospital rumors, Nina retaliates against Michael. Remember, he isn’t Mr. Squeaky clean. In fact, he profitably plotted to send Sonny to prison for the rest of his life. How will Sonny react when he finds out that his son’s revere plot was more sinister than he ever imagined?

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Cheats On Sonny, Valentin Becomes A Target- Victor Never Accounted For This

Nina Cheats On Sonny With Valentin
Nina Cheats On Sonny With Valentin

Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) is stirring things up around Port Charles. It’s one thing to worry about mob bosses, text message and hook killers, but it’s another to have to fear a child. Fifteen year old Charlotte looks innocent as children tend to be, but that’s not entirely that case with this one. After all, she is a Cassadine. Darkness runs through Did you expect anything else?

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Victor Cassadine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) revenge plan against Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) results in the unexpected. Charlotte’s concern for her father is genuine, however it’s coming from a dark place. The only reason she’s after Anna is because of Victor and his tarot cards.

Nina Cheats On Sonny With Valentin

Nina Cheats On Sonny With Valentin! Or So It Seems…

It seemed like the perfect plan. Victor uses his granddaughter to hunt down Anna- all in the name of protecting her Papa. But Victor didn’t account for things such as free will and human interaction. Now, GH rumors claim that Victor’s plan seems to work as he and Anna drift further apart. However, things start to divert from his plan as the situation pushes Valentin closer to Nina. And the closer they get, the more Sonny Corinthos gets angry.

GH spoilers and rumors hint that Nina cheats on Sonny with Valentin- or at least that’s what it looks like. Ultimately, Sonny picks up on Nina and Valentin. Will he jump to conclusions or have a viable reason to put a target on Valentin’s back?

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Turns Sonny On To Nina’s Suspicious Generosity When Asks For Answers He Doesn’t Have

Carly turns Sonny on to Nina and her suspicious generosity
Carly turns Sonny on to Nina

Carly Corinthos Spencer (Laura Wright) and her ex-husband Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) get along quite well considering why and how their separation began. Considered Daytime Television’s most powerful couple by a large majority of fans, Sonny and Carly remain fan favorites despite the couple’s split. So what that tells us is that we can’t even fathom the possibility that CarSon is over for good.

Carly turns Sonny on- while that statement in itself might be true, we must finish the thought… According to General Hospital previews and spoilers, Carly turns Sonny on to Nina and her suspicious generosity. Why all of a sudden does Nina find the workload to be overwhelming? So much so that she not only wants to sell, but she’s oddly compelled to give first dips to Carly.

According to GH spoilers and rumors, Carly takes her suspicions to Sonny. Now that they’re married, it’s only natural that he’s aware of what his wife is up to, right? Wrong. Luckily for Nina, Michael is the only one in the Corinthos family who knows what Nina has done. However, it’s unfortunately for Sonny’s new wife, Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) is back and remembers exactly what Nina did.

More and more people find out as the days carry on. But who will be the one to expose Nina and finally reveal the truth?

General Hospital spoilers: Nina Makes A Power Move Over Michael As Her Last Ditch Effort- The New Mrs. Corinthos Assumes Her Title Among All Else

Nina tells Sonny herself
Nina tells Sonny herself

Nina Reeves sure has done well for herself. Certainly, she came a long way from her horrible past. When she first arrived in Port Charles in 2014, Nina was in a bad way. Coming fresh from a coma, Nina was all out of sorts. But the most unsettling aspect is that she was actively pulling calculated schemes.

Despite falling victim to her mother Madeline Reeves, Nina has since crawled herself out of the hole she was in. Somehow, the woman who abducted a pregnant Ava and induced labor to steal her baby is sitting on top of Port Charles. As General Hospital recaps recall, Nina used lies and deception to land herself a high-profile man. And not just any man, but Carly Corinthos’s (Laura Wright) husband. She managed to sever a family with her selfish and criminal choices.

Finally, General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Nina’s days on her thrown are numbered. Now that Michael knows the truth and confronted Nina, once again she answers to her son-in-law. According to General Hospital spoilers that may have flown in the past but Nina isn’t going to take it this time. GH Rumors tease that the new Mrs. Corinthos assumes her title, taking not only Sonny’s name, but his sense of empowerment.

Carly Corinthos and Nina Reeves

Nina Tells Sonny Herself

Currently, Michael has Nina backed into a corner. With Willow as his first priority, Michael calls the shots yet again. Michael looks out for his family in the ways he knows best. Right now Willow’s mother is a threat to the family and Michael keeps a close watch. In what seems like a never ending saga, the storyline takes a turn when Nina makes a power move over Michael.

GH spoilers tease that Nina’s sick and tired of being bullied by Sonny’s family and she takes matters into her own hands. Will she come clean to Sonny before he finds out the hard way? Now that they’re married, Nina has a sense of security with Sonny. Although she’s aware of the possibility, Nina’s no longer fixated on Sonny leaving her. But you know what they say, things happen when we least expect them.

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael’s Attempt To Protect His Family Backfires When Nina Suffers Psychotic Break

Nina Suffers Psychotic Break
Nina Suffers Psychotic Break

Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and his family have been a major focal point of Port Charles. His powerful position as head of the Corinthos Organization has drawn attention to his life for many years. Correspondingly, his children grew up in the public eye. His son Michael is all grown up and has a family of his own. And just like his dad, Michael’s determined to protect his family above all else.

Michael Corinthos’s (Chad Duell) family is his first priority. As a husband and father, protecting Willow (Katelyn MacMullen), Wiley, and Amelia comes above all else. That’s why he feels the need to squash any new and existing threat to the ones he loves. General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Michael’s instincts were right and Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) cannot be trusted. But because of the recent findings that prove Nina is Willow’s mother, circumstances gave Michael a reason to give Nina a chance.

Michael’s Plan Backfires When Nina Becomes A Danger

Now that the sh!t has hit the fan, Michael works overtime to make sure that Willow and the kids are safe. That means, it doesn’t matter who you are, Michael screens anyone who wants access to his family. Especially if someone has been known as problematic. Without a doubt, Willow’s biological mother falls into this category. GH recaps recall Michael and Nina’s intense conversation regarding her little stunt. His warnings upset his new stepmom as Michael laid down the law. Now, she must comply to her step son’s rules regarding time spent with her daughter and grandchildren.

Nina Reeves becomes a danger to Willow

According to GH spoilers and rumors, Nina can’t handle the pressure as Michael dangles her secret over her head. However, Nina isn’t the only one who experiences adverse consequences for her lies. GH rumors claim that Michael’s family is in more danger than ever because Nina goes off the deep end, posing a threat to Willow and anyone else in her orbit. Nina’s history of psychological problems become a major concern as she becomes more and more unstable.

How will a Michael protect his family once Nina loses her mind?

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava’s No Longer Under Sonny’s Protection Once He Finds Out The Truth

Ava’s no longer under Sonny’s protection
Ava’s no longer under Sonny’s protection

Carly Spencer aka Corinthos (Laura Wright), and her ex-husband Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) have been more than generous with their kindness toward Ava Jerome (Maura West). Despite Sonny and Ava sharing their daughter, Avery (Ava and Grace Scarola), Sonny despised Ava for her part in his son Morgan Corinthos’s (Bryan Craig) death.

General Hospital recaps recall a bizarre twist of fate that found Sonny and Ava going half on a baby in the crypt, at night. Weird, I know.

Ava’s no longer under Sonny’s protection Sonny Carly Ava Nina

Regardless, that’s how Avery was conceived. They’ve all come such a long way since back then. Ava should count her lucky state that Sonny and Carly give her the Tim wife say let alone co-parent so smoothly. Over the years the three remain Avery’s main caregivers, but how Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is part of the equation. Another mystery in General Hospital history is how Sonny and Ava forgave Nina for kidnapping their daughter. Anyways, Carly and Ava have developed a mutual understanding as well as Carly, Sonny, and Ava as a whole. But General Hospital spoilers tease that things start to take a turn in the wrong direction.

Carly Sonny Nina

GH spoilers indicate that Nina Reeves basks in the glory of being the new Mrs. Corinthos. Meanwhile, Ava recovery’s from her trauma after being abducted. Carly continues to extend kindness and welcomes Ava with open arms for Avery’s sake. Furthermore, Sonny doesn’t hesitate to run to Ava’s rescue when Carly passes along the news.

Ava’s No Longer Under Sonny’s Protection

According to GH rumors, all the extra hospitality ends for Ava when sonny and Carly learn the truth. See, eve is known Nina’s secret since the very beginning. Despite Sonny and Carly’s kindness towards Ava, she decided to keep them from the truth. Ava never told Sonny or Carly that Nina tipped off the SEC. Did Ava ruin the mutual respect that had grown among them?