Halloween week on General Hospital is going to be one of those events where you just can’t look away. General Hospital spoilers reveal there will be surprises and story line shockers that will keep you on the edge of your couch. Make sure you have good snacks ????!
General Hospital spoilers reveal a masked stalker will be following the teen group around Charlie’s Pub. Among the four teens, the individual dressed as Darth Vader seems to have a particular interest in Trina Robinson (Sydney Makayla).
Trina believes her father, Marcus Taggert (Réal Andrews) died the night he saved the teens from being kidnapped by Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober). But Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) and Taggert had other plans. They faked Taggert’s death to pull one over on Renault, and now that Taggert has been back in Port Charles, he cant stay away from his daughter any longer.
General Hospital rumors claim it’s no coincidence that the masked stalker who is interested in following Trina is dressed as Darth Vader. A famous quote from an iconic movie could be the clue to identifying the person in which Julian Jerome (William deVry) is leery. Darth Vader’s famous quote, “Luke, I am your father,” is a tell all sign that the man behind the mask in GH’s Halloween episode is none other than Trina’s father, Marcus Taggert. Will he show himself to his daughter? Or will he remain incognito until the time is right and they have Renault right there they want him?