
General Hospital Blog has a Forum!

General Hospital Blog has a new Forum/Message Board! Please feel free to register and join the discussions about the hottest GH topics! Click on the General Hospital Forum tab on the home page to register. Happy posting!

GH Promo Halloween Week 10/29/12

Check this out!

Thrills! Chills! Halloween week on General Hospital! Michael comes face to face with The undead… AJ Quartermaine.


General Hospital Shockers!

According to a Tweet by General Hospital’s head writer Ron Carlivati, Sam and Anna are in for the shock of their lives this week on GH. This is so exciting! We have waited so long to have Anna find out about Robin, and Sam find out about her baby! This is going to be good…

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/carlivatiron/status/255512625302093824″]

General Hospital Voted Best Soap of Our Time!

A 20/20 special, “Best in TV: The Greatest TV Shows of Our Time with Barbara Walters” revealed that Soaps were included as a category in Best in TV. I am so excited to hear and share with you all that the best soap of all time was named GENERAL HOSPITAL!!! To read the full article click here. Congratulations General Hospital!

General Hospital and the Wrath of Jerry Jacks

Fans agree that right now, General Hospital is at the top of it’s game. Like a good book, we just can’t put it down. I literally get irritated and cranky when it ends and I have to wait until the next day to catch more of it. I say this a lot but in all honesty, I haven’t been this into GH since Ric Lansing kidnapped a pregnant Carly, hid her in a panic room in a house he shared with Elizabeth, and chained Carly to the wall. That stuff was intense. Every single aspect of this show right now has that same intensity. From Jerry Jacks, to Jax coming back, Robin, Luke, and Anna, Sonny and Joe Jr., Liz and Ewen, Jason and Sam (and McBain), Olivia and her hallucinations… Ok, you get my drift. I am loving it all.

Lately I have been really thinking about how much Olivia’s story ties into the entire Jerry Jacks story line, and it’s so brilliant how they are playing this out. Her hallucinations always have some reality to them. Seeing Lulu pregnant, than her test was positive, seeing the water as if it were poison, and seeing Dr. Keenan as the devil… they all have truth and it is so exciting to see Olivia inadvertently tie everything together in such a strange and unexpected way. Lisa LoCicero is doing such a fabulous job with this story. She looks and acts the part so well it makes you feel her distress and anguish.

There is something about Jerry aka (Mr. Craig) that still gives me the creeps after all these years. His character has the right amount of evil to be extremely terrifying and at the same time he actually has some humanistic feelings left for his family, Jacks, Joss, and the woman he loved, Alexis. Sebastian Roche is a phenomenal actor, and is able to make us fear and hate him. Even though he does a fabulous job at making us hate him, I still don’t want to see his character die. He plays an awesome villain and brings so much excitement to the canvas. I look forward to Monday’s GH and the episodes to come. Enjoy!

Frank Valentini and the Outlook on General Hospital

In an interview, Valentini talks about the changes that have been made since taking over GH, including the pace of the story lines. I have noticed that ever since the take over, stories no longer drag on into eternity. They keep it exciting which keeps us interested. I love that about this new format. I have always loved the show, but now I find myself more eager to watch. I do not miss an episode. Thank God for DVR. 🙂

For the full article, click here.

More Changes Ahead for GH? Will GH Be Taking Summers Off?

There have been many changes surrounding the soap world,  and just when we think the tides have calmed a bit, we get wind of another possible change. GH is now the main for ABC soap fans and every little detail matters. Today on Twitter @TVSource (TVSourceMagazine.com) asked GH fans if they would support General Hospital airing September through June and taking Summers off. Is this a trick question?! There is really no way around this. No, I would not support losing my favorite show all Summer long, but I also would take anything I could get. So if we all  say, YES, and support GH taking Summers off, then that’s most likely what will happen. If we all are against it, GH may be gone for good. I am not looking forward to all these changes and ways to make General Hospital less of a TV priority. I hope the fans can show enough support to keep General Hospital on all year long.

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General Hospital’s New Opening!

General Hospital has a new opening theme and it debuts tomorrow, June 29, 2012. Don’t forget to tune in and check it out!

General Hospital New Time Slot

Well the rumors did come true, General Hospital will be going from 3PM Eastern/Standard time to 2PM Eastern Standard time. After almost 50 years of airing on ABC at 3PM, because of Katie Couric’s new show, that will change September 10th, 2012. I use this blog to talk about GH, give information, share opinions, and gush about favorite couples and characters. I don’t like negativity because I LOVE THIS SHOW. This time however, I can’t help but post in a negative way. It’s not about the character, actors, or the show. It’s about the situation. I do not understand why Katie Couric can’t go on at 2PM. Why make a change to something that has been the same for so many years, especially while it’s doing so well? My fear is that TPTB will use the new time slot as an excuse to get rid of GH. Using excuses like, “The 2PM slot just wasn’t working. There wasn’t enough audience.” I myself will watch at 2PM because this is my favorite show and I will always support it. But there are many people out there that may not for various reasons. I really hope I am completely wrong, and GH will stay strong at it’s new time. But all in all, I am and never will I be a Katie Couric fan. There is no need for this change and if GH tanks it is her fault.

Check out this fan feedback!!!

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/LolasMommy08/status/218346617940615170″]

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/Carlsaidit/status/218349553882120192″]

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