General Hospital’s little stars Jay and Joey Clay have been the bright spot in Port Charles. Every so often a wild scandal ensues and some woman ends up pregnant. Whether the couple is madly in love or just one or both parties out for revenge, soap opera pregnancy storylines come filled with drama. And that’s exactly the case with Esme Prince’s son, baby Ace Cassadine (Jay and Joey Clay).

As it seems, GH fans have taken an instant liking to the two little guys who play Ace. Twins Joey and Jay joined General Hospital’s cast and become part of the GH family in February 2023. Ever since they have been a focal point of General Hospital, not just as baby Ace, but as themselves too! GH Cast mates and fans alike have seen over Joey and Jay, and the ones to thank for their complete cute are their parents, Lana and Mark Clay!
Recently, Joey and Jay Clay’s mom Lana reached out to fans, opening up about her health issues. Baby Ace’s real life mama took to Instagram to share her diagnosis, and gives gratitude toward their continued supporters. General Hospital news reports reveal that Lana Clay is “catching up on General Hospital reruns, appreciating our little stars.”
We wish Lana, Mark, Jay and Joey, and their entire family the best. GH Blog continues to keep Lana and her health concerns in our prayers as she takes this time to recover. ❤️