New couple alert! General Hospital rumors hint toward an unexpected yet pleasant idea for a couple, Julian and Liz!
Julian Jerome (William DeVry) needs a love interest and fans out there think Julian and Liz Webber (Rebecca Herbst) would make a great fit. Apparently William DeVry, GH’s Julian Jerome, thinks so too. In a tweet directed at a fan, DeVry mentions that Julian and Liz have “the most epic ship name. But it’s R Rated.” DeVry doesn’t go on to elaborate- but a fan does.
Take a look at the tweet and replies here below.
Doesn’t DeVry know that couple “ship name” already has a history with General Hospital fans and dan wars? Here’s a little history lesson for those who may not know the back story… back in the day there used to be a much larger fan war between the Liz and Jason aka Liason fans, and Jason and Sam aka JaSam fans. The two fan bases battled it out over on the SoapNet Message Boards that night longer exist. The die hard Jason and Sam fans called the Liason fans, “Jizzers,” in a negative way to express their distaste for the couple.
Now that that’s all out in the open ?, we ask fans this, could you see Julian and Liz as a couple?