Willow receives bad news. Is Willow dying?! Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen can’t seem to catch a break. From life work Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel), to a cult, losing a child, and so much more, Willow now states death in the face.
Finally, Willow Tait is surrounded by family. All her life she was deprived of siblings, aunts, uncles, etc. surrounding her. Now, Willow has the Corinthos and Quartermaine families to call her own. Additionally, if she opened her heart to her biological mother, Willow would have Nina’s family as well.
General Hospital spoilers reveal Willow receives more bad news. Once hopeful, Willow comes to terms with the reality of her situation. Now that Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) is unable to donate her bone marrow to Willow, time is running out. Unfortunately, General Hospital spoilers reveal Willow receives more bad news in the coming days.
Is Willow dying? According to General Hospital news reports, GH comings and goings rumors hint that Katelyn MacMullen has not confirmed a contract status. Conclusively, no new GH casting news supports rumors about MacMullen’s alleged exit.
Fans hope a last minute miracle swoops in for Willow. Currently, GH rumors claim that Kiki Jerome will return to save Willow just before it’s too late. Do you think Willow can be saved? Is so, by whom?