Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) is about to marry Anna Devane (Finola Hughes), which should be one of the happiest days of his life. But his head is in another place since all he can focus on is trying to figure out if his one night stand with Jackie Templeton (Kim Delaney), could have resulted in making him a father. Jackie is strongly against finding out if her son, Harrison Chase’s (Josh Swickard) DNA matches that of Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton).
General Hospital spoilers indicate that Finn will adhere to Jackie’s request to put a hold on learning the DNA results of Chase’s paternity test. Jackie accused Finn of caring more about facts that people and their feelings, and she explain how a bombshell like this would tear apart Gregory (Gregory Harrison) and Chase’s lives apart. They betrayal that would land on their laps would devastate both men, while implicating Jackie and Finn.
General Hospital rumors claim that Jackie’s involvement in the DNA results could go further than convincing Finn to wait until after the wedding to review the results. Now that she has bought some time, Jackie has the opportunity to interfere even further, tampering with the truth. She’s more than adamant on keeping this secret under wraps and seems like she’d go to great lengths to keep Chase and Gregory from finding out Chase is Finn’s son.
After all these years, it’s high time Finn learns whether Chase is his son or his brother. If it were up to Jackie, she would leave well enough alone. Will she deny Finn his right to know the truth by falsifying the results?