Willow refuses Nina’s bone marrow? Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) fights for her life in the battle against leukemia. It’s coming down to the wire as Willow’s chemotherapy is failing. Moreover, the bone marrow donor they thought was a match fell through.
General Hospital recaps recall months Carly finally revealed the truth after months of anticipation. After learning Willow has leukemia, she was under pressure to reveal Harmony’s secret. Ultimately, she had to do what she had to do. Now, Carly finds herself in the same position with Nina as she did before. In retrospect, Carly kept Nelle a secret from Nina just as she held on to the secret about Willow.
General Hospital spoilers indicate that Nina is Willow’s last chance at survival. Willow is known for putting her own health on the back burner for the sake of her baby. The fact that she hit her illness from Michael and their entire family may be an indication that Willow is willing to put her health aside for her pride. In the past, Willow admitted one of the reasons she didn’t want to tell the family about her diagnosis was because she didn’t want them treating her differently. Will her pride get in the way of letting Nina become her donor?
GH previews suggest there’s a possibility Willow refuses Nina’s bone marrow. After everything Nina has done to drive a wedge between herself and her grandson, Wiley, the last thing Willow wants is to be saved by that woman.
A choice must be made! What will Willow choose?