What I really want to know is why in the world didn’t Chase ask Brook Lynn what Tracy had her do? Maybe he did and I missed it, but something tells me that he should have been more up on things. You know, being a detective and all.

Over at Deception, Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) and Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) are reeling over Brook Lynn’s (Amanda Setton) latest act of malice. General Hospital recaps recall Maxie’s blasting her so-called friend, telling her, “this isn’t high school.” Rightfully so, Maxie is livid and told Brook Lynn exactly what’s up. The sheepish look on BLQ’s face indicates that Maxie’s words hit close to home.

According to General Hospital spoilers, confessions spill out like over over-filled kiddie pool with the hose still running. Apparently, no one has to break her arm to come clean this time. GH spoilers and rumors hint that Brook Lynn tells Chase about Deception and exactly what she had to do for Granny The Tyrant, Tracy.
Still, it seems odd that Brook Lynn admitted that Tracy blackmailed her over Chase’s position at the PCPD, yet the topic of what she made BLQ do hasn’t come up. Regardless, Chase founds out soon enough. Has BLQ exceeded her 9 lives?