Liesl and Willow discuss Nina. Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) has been living in a nightmare for far too long. And through it all, the young mother keeps fighting. She’s fighting for her children, herself, and her family. Willow and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) never gave up, even when their reality became too harsh to bear.
As the Quartermaine and Corinthos families prepared themselves for whatever outcome, Willow keeps solace in knowing that her loved ones are by her side. It’s true, Willow’s support system is extensive. With that being said, she finds the most comfort in the support she receives from Michael and his mom, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright).
As General Hospital recaps recall, Willow’s emotional state has been put to the test. News surrounding her biology puts strain on Willow as she fights for her life. Other than potentially matching bone marrow, learning Nina is her mom has been nothing but heartache. But, her new connection to Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) will save her life.
According to General Hospital spoilers, Liesl Obrecht has a heart to heart with Willow. First, the conversation begins with an emotional explanation by Dr. O. As a grieving mother, Liesl becomes vulnerable with Willow about mothers and daughters. Losing her daughter Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud ) was a real eye opener for Liesl. So, it’s easy for her to empathize with her niece, Nina. Then, that is when Liesl’s heart to heart turns into a form of guilt trip.
General Hospital previews and spoilers tease that eventually, Willow is rubbed the wrong way. Apparently, she takes Liesl’s talk as one big campaign for Nina Reeves. Though grateful for Liesl’s generosity, Willow can’t help but feel like shes been pressured.